//' 2014.8.26 : kakao link ´º¹öÀü Àû¿ë(Kakao Javascript SDK for Kakao Open Platform Service - v1.0.11) // »ç¿ëÇÒ ¾ÛÀÇ Javascript Å°¸¦ ¼³Á¤ÇØ ÁÖ¼¼¿ä. Kakao.init("a5b13e6bcbd70a269db97125d9b4821e"); function executeURLLink(title, url, img){ if (img=="") { Kakao.Link.sendTalkLink({ label: title, webButton: { text: "À¥ ¹Ù·Î°¡±â("+url+")", url: url }, fail: function () { alert('KakaoLink is currently only supported in iOS and Android platforms.'); } }); } else { Kakao.Link.sendTalkLink({ label: title, image: { src: img, width: 600, height: 450 }, webButton: { text: "À¥ ¹Ù·Î°¡±â("+url+")", url: url }, fail: function () { alert('KakaoLink is currently only supported in iOS and Android platforms.'); } }); } } function executeLink(title, url, img){ if (img=="") { Kakao.Link.sendTalkLink({ label: title + "\n\n"+url, fail: function () { alert('KakaoLink is currently only supported in iOS and Android platforms.'); } }); } else { Kakao.Link.sendTalkLink({ label: title +"\n\n"+ url, image: { src: img, width: 600, height: 450 }, fail: function () { alert('KakaoLink is currently only supported in iOS and Android platforms.'); } }); } } /*Copyright 2012 KAKAO*/ /* (function (window, undefined) { var kakao = {}; window.kakao = window.kakao || kakao; var uagent = navigator.userAgent.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (uagent.search("android") > -1) { kakao.os = "android"; } else if (uagent.search("iphone") > -1 || uagent.search("ipod") > -1 || uagent.search("ipad") > -1) { kakao.os = "ios"; } var app = { talk : { base_url : "kakaolink://sendurl?", apiver : "2.0.1", store : { android : "market://details?id=com.kakao.talk", ios : "http://itunes.apple.com/app/id362057947" } }, story : { base_url : "storylink://posting?", apiver : "1.0", store : { android : "market://details?id=com.kakao.story", ios : "http://itunes.apple.com/app/id486244601" } } }; kakao.link = function(name) { var link_app = app[name]; if ( !link_app ) return { send : function() { throw "No App exists"; }}; return { send : function (params) { var _app = this.app; params['apiver'] = _app.apiver; var full_url = _app.base_url + serialized(params); var install_block = ( function (os){ return function () { window.location = _app.store[os]; }; } )(this.os); if (this.os == "ios") { setTimeout(install_block, 35); window.location = full_url; } else if (this.os == "android") { var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.style.visibility = 'hidden'; iframe.src = full_url; iframe.onload = install_block; document.body.appendChild(iframe); } }, app : link_app, os : kakao.os }; function serialized(params) { var stripped = []; for ( var k in params) { stripped.push(k + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[k])); } return stripped.join("&"); } }; }(window)); function executeURLLink(title, url){ kakao.link("talk").send({ msg : title, url: url, appid: "http://cngo.co.kr", appver : "2.0", appname : "cngo", type : "link" }); } */